Aug 13, 2021 | iPad Music Apps
Phonolyth Velvet Machine – It can be a reverb but it would not be the right reason to have it. The velvet noise generator convoluted and controlled by an enveloppe can really open the possibilities. From weird spacy ambiances to rhythmic reverb I really like it!
Jan 23, 2020 | iPad Music Apps
USB MIDI Hardware natively compatible to iOS Here is a list of MIDI Hardware that uses USB to transmit MIDI. Is it compatible to the iOS or not? In other words : do these devices appears with their names in the iPad as a MIDI device. No NEED for a MIDI interface!...
Mar 10, 2019 | iPad Music Apps, Software Synth
Audio Kit Digital D1 synth March 10, 2019 iPad Music Apps | Software Synth Audio Kit did it again! D1 is a great iPad synth. This time it’s 80’s inspired. After giving us (and I mean giving for free) SYNTH ONE, they now have an hybrid synth using PCM &...
Jan 21, 2019 | iPad Music Apps
The 32 best iPad music making apps of 2018 January 21, 2019 iPad Music Apps The end of the year is the perfect moment to look back and list the TOP apps we can find on the making music on the iPad today. This is my personal list of apps, those I actually use. I know...
Jan 14, 2019 | iPad Music Apps
How to choose an iPad for music making January 14, 2019 The simple answer: “GET THE BIGGEST, FASTEST, MOST RECENT IPAD!” But the actual question is mostly linked to available cash. And it goes like this: How to get the best bang for your...
Dec 1, 2018 | iPad Music Apps, Synthesis
After using Groove rider 16 from JimAudio, I was really enjoying the sound of it’s internal synth. After reading about it, I learned it is using the sound engine of Poison 202.I got my hand on Poison 202 and found that it’s a lot more powerful synth than...