Jul 28, 2023 | Controller, Other News
A world of possibilities Greetings, music enthusiasts! Today, we are thrilled to dive into the world of the Turia Key Step 37, an awe-inspiring little keyboard packed with features that will elevate your music production experience to new heights. From its...
Jan 2, 2023 | Software Synth
Pigments is the flagship hybrid synth sampler software from Arturia. It’s different from other soft synths but of course there’s the classic vintage virtual analog circuitry in it.
May 3, 2018 | Software Synth, Synthesis
Getting your hands on a classic synth can be difficult, even more when we are talking about more than 21 synths. The Arturia V Collection 6 offert a super bundle of classic synths, samplers, organs, electric and acoustic piano. It’s not sample based (unless for...
Jan 7, 2017 | Hardware Synth
Roland Effector tutorial Teaser video. Pendant les vacances des fêtes j’ai préparé un court vidéo pour l’école Musitechnic à Montréal expliquant comment reprogrammer les modules Bitrazer, Torcido et Demora de Roland et les convertir en générateurs de sons...