Aug 13, 2021 | iPad Music Apps
Phonolyth Velvet Machine – It can be a reverb but it would not be the right reason to have it. The velvet noise generator convoluted and controlled by an enveloppe can really open the possibilities. From weird spacy ambiances to rhythmic reverb I really like it!
Jan 23, 2020 | iPad Music Apps
USB MIDI Hardware natively compatible to iOS Here is a list of MIDI Hardware that uses USB to transmit MIDI. Is it compatible to the iOS or not? In other words : do these devices appears with their names in the iPad as a MIDI device. No NEED for a MIDI interface!...
Dec 29, 2019 | Music Production tips, Other News
Top iApps for music production I made this 100 and + list while preparing my YouTube video about the top 40 apps for iPad Music production of 2019. It was really hard to limit to only 40 so I listed here the entire list of iapps for music production that I prefer. I...