Bastl instruments and CB Electronics : Expanding Horizons with Innovative Technology
In the ever-evolving world of music production, insightful discussions around modular synthesizers, dynamic programming, and technological advancements in audio control are reshaping the landscape. A recent video delving into the features of Bastl Instruments and...
The Ultimate Roland System 8 guide
The Roland System 8 is a plugout synth that can recreate a lot of classic Roland synths but it also has its own impressive synthesis engine.

Roland Jupiter X Free software editor
Roland Jupiter XM Free software editor – setting up and using it. Roland is listening to the users! They have now released a free software editor librarian for the Jupiter X and XM. You just need a Free Roland Cloud to download it and … update the firmware of your Jupiter to 1.43 and you…

Dawless music production
Dawless music production February 13, 2021 Dawless… What does it mean? Music production without a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) Or music production without a computer. Why DAWLESS jamming? 1-It’s fast 2- It’s a lot more stable...