Apr 22, 2018 | Hardware Synth, Synthesis
Novation is always coming up with cool and interesting approach to traditionnal synth. They have now the PEAK, an 8 voices polyphonic desktop module that uses NCOs. What are Numerically Controlled Oscillators? Announcing the PEAK as having ” Digital where it...
Mar 24, 2018 | Hardware Synth, Synthesis
Novation is presenting the Circuit Mono Station as a Bass Station II with a Sequencer. My first impression was that is had a less powerful synthesis engine. But When I actually tried it, I was more than amaze. I’m now thinking of selling my Bass Station II to...
Mar 22, 2018 | Groovebox & Drum machine, Hardware Synth
Novation Circuit MonoStation : First impression The Novation Circuit series is a really fun series. The original Circuit brought in a very fun and powerful sequencer playing 2 NOVA synths on top of triggering 4 sampled drum sounds. The Circuit Mono Station reuses the...
Feb 17, 2018 | Groovebox & Drum machine, Hardware Synth, Synthesis
The Novation Circuit Synthesis engine The Novation Circuit has 2 Nova Synths. Those synth are surprisingly powerful. The original Nova synth where part of the first generation of virtual analogue synths. Like I explained in another post Novation Circuit firmware 1.6...
Jan 2, 2018 | Groovebox & Drum machine
Novation Circuit : I didn’t want one when it came out. NOW I want one… Why? Quick tour of the Novation Circuit Portable (battery powered) Hardware sequencer with 2 synths (6 notes each) and 4 drum sounds 2 Synths engine inspired by the NOVA synth engine 4 Drums made...